If you're brain won't shut up

You're in the right place.

An Ancient Anxiety Temple


Angster (æŋstər) n. is a member of an organized group of anxious people with one or a few other mental health issues. Yet, they get stronger and better every day.

Who Am I?

Angster Life

"A man sees in the world what he carries in his heart." - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

We're in an age of "Awareness." We have so much information at our finger tips. We know everything about the things we can control and also about everything we can't.

It's hard to to keep a clear view of what's important. But, there's three values I always hold close:

Community. Purpose. Fulfilment.

These are the red, blue and yellow primary colors that allow us to create any perceivable color and paint anything we desire in our lives.


How can I help you?

*QUICK DISCLAIMER: I am NOT a doctor or licensed therapist, psychiatrist or any of the other expert mental health people. I'm just giving advice based on how I handle mental health troubles.

I sometimes have trouble sleeping at night, what should I do?

First, let's talk about your diet(stomach & mental diet.) Try to limit your caffeine and sugar intake. Keep your coffees before a certain hour like 3PM.

I love surfing Instagram/TikTok just as much as the next person. Some content is funny, some content is educational; but, some of it is downright negative. It can make you frustrated, sad or confused. Every time you swipe you're gambling with your emotions. It's just not a great idea right before you get in the bed. Limit your screen-time.

If you have panic attacks or high anxiety at night, you should focus on your breathing and inhale 1/2 the seconds you exhale. So, inhale for 2 seconds and exhale for 4 seconds(3&6, 4&8, ect.)

I have a really hard time making friends?

Me too! That's crazy. That's probably our social anxiety. Be yourself (I know, it's cliché.) But, it's true. If you make friends acting like someone you're not, they won't be your friends, because they won't be around you, for you. Second, don't be afraid to ask the questions your thinking about or make the statements you truly believe. You might offend some people; but, you're not for everybody. Act on intent, not expectations. A lot of times we want to say something and then our anxiety starts up:

"What if that's a stupid thing to say?"

"That'll make them angry."

"I shouldn't say something like that. They'll hate me."

So, we just keep the thought to ourselves. If our intentions are good and wholesome, it shouldn't matter how it's perceived or looked at by other people. Obviously think twice before you speak; but, above all, be yourself.

I'm always down and bummed out. I have no energy and sometimes, I don't see the point in getting out of bed.

Sounds like depression. First, I like to find out why. It's usually pretty obvious to me. Just ask: What's not working in my life? It's easy to feel stuck in your own life like it's Groundhog's Day (Film, 1993.) Good movie! We all want change, things to get better: make more money, find a date, move into a new place, get a new job/position. You're trying to find something or your waiting for something to work out... and it doesn't.

Once you figure out the thing(s) that's not working, ask what it would mean to you deep down if it did. And I mean deep down. If you made more money, would that make you feel like a winner? If you got a girlfriend/boyfriend would that make you feel valuable/lovable?

The reason why looking deep is so important is that society plays a lot of tricks on us.

If you live in a consumerist society like me, we grow up being taught to buy and go after stuff that make us "happy." We try to buy happiness. Problem is, most things humans need to feel content are free. Things like community(friends and family), feeling valued/appreciated, healthy, ect. A Lamborghini makes you look "valuable" to others; but, you won't be valued for having one. It's kind of a smoke-and-mirrors trick of modern consumerism. I'm not saying you shouldn't make money; but, don't think it buys happiness, purpose and love.

If you lost everything and had to move into a undeveloped, small village; but someone how you were happier than ever. Imagine what would have to go on there to make that possible.